core flex community
CoreFlex attendees are a diverse bunch of wonderful people, who have, in a short space of time, created a spirit of great camaraderie, encouraging and supporting each other. As I am sure there must be the possibility of this spilling over into the rest of our lives, for the good of us all, I thought I would have a page, listing contacts for whatever services our fellow CoreFlex'ers have to offer.
COFFEE MACHINES - as a starter for ten, I might as well let you know about one of my other ventures: I sell really cool FrancisFrancis branded coffee machines - take a look at www.craystoneshop.co.uk - if you fancy one, let me know and I'll work out a good deal for you.
COMPUTER STORAGE, BACKUP & ARCHIVE - this is my main business and occupation: only really suitable for use in business (I don't sell anything for the home/personal market). If your business needs to store, backup or archive lots of data, please have a word with me, or drop me an email at glenn@craystone.co.uk